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Aktualna wersja witryny Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu znajduje się pod adresem: www.awf.poznan.pl
Juan Lizandra Miguel
Universidad Europea de Madrid - Spain 2012/2013
Faculty of Physiotherapy

Dear Malgorzata

I would like to thank you the effort and dedication you have made for me. I am thankful of the oraganization and the teachers.This Erasmus has been awesome and I recommended to my friends to visit Poland.


Nagy Ferenc Győző
Semmelweis University, Budapest - Hungary 2012/2013
Faculty of Physiotherapy

Dear Małgorzata,

I would like to express my graditude, because I am really pleased with the clinical practice in Wielkopolska Przychodnia Sportowo-Lekarska Przychodnia. The practice is really organised and patient-centered, my mentor mgr. Małgorzata Sypniewska is always ready to help and explains how can I help through physioteraphy. In this less then two weeks I learned more about my profession than in two years at my home university. This practice is ideal to gain experiences and to become a worthy student of the ERASMUS program.
Thank you for the opportunity, that I could get such highly qualified training!

Yours sincerely,
Nagy Ferenc Győző

Lara Santos
Universidade do Algarve - Portugal 2011/2012
Tourism and Recreation

I just wanted to say a big thank you to you, for me giving that great opportunity to study in AWF.
It was absolutely the best time of my life. The people I met, the culture I got to be part of, that difficult language that I learned, the time I spent traveling through Poland, getting to know even more about your country that I had absolutely no idea... I really loved that experience and I would definitely go again if they let me!
So, I have to give you my big thank you to you for all your patience and the time you spent helping me. I already recomend some of my friends your university as a destination for Erasmus. I didn't regreat nothing (only the weather, a little bit hehehe).

My very best regards,
Lara Santos

Juan Jose Rico Roldan – Spain
Faculty of Physical Education

I was really nicely surprised by the attitude of the professors  at the University of Physical Education in Poznan – they were really helpful and open to dialogue. Their English is excellent, so I have a great opportunity to improve my linguistic skills and get a lot of practice in speaking. Also the sport fascilities, available to students, are really great We can use gym, swimming pool, football field, racing track, health club and many others. Polish students may seem to be shy at first, but I find them very friendly.They help foreigners as much as they can.