
Użytkowniku, przeglądasz archiwalną wersję strony. Jej zawartość przedstawia stan na 07.03.2023 r.

Aktualna wersja witryny Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu znajduje się pod adresem: www.awf.poznan.pl
prodziekan wochna wwwA graduate of the Poznań University School of Physical Education, PhD in physical culture sciences, assistant professor and acting Head of the Division of Swimming and Water Rescue, a swimming coach. In his student times he was a member of the University Council of Student Self-Government. His research interests focus on the effect of physical activity in water on bone tissue metabolism and biochemical indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Secretary of the Poznań branch of the Polish Scientific Association of Physical Culture. International scholarships at Universities in Athens and Lisbon.

phone: (+48) 61 835 54 23