
Użytkowniku, przeglądasz archiwalną wersję strony. Jej zawartość przedstawia stan na 07.03.2023 r.

Aktualna wersja witryny Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu znajduje się pod adresem: www.awf.poznan.pl
prorektor celichowski wwwA graduate of the Academy of Agriculture in Poznań, in 2001 he obtained the title of professor of biological sciences; an academic teacher, the head of the Department of Neurobiology at the Poznań University School of Physical Education. A member of the Committee of Neurobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, president of the Polish Neuroscience Society, vice-president of Poznań-Ille-et-Vilaine Foundation, a member of the International Brain Research Organization, European College of Sport Sciences. His research interests focus on neurophysiology, motor units, muscle receptors and movement control.

phone: (+48) 61 835 54 36