
Użytkowniku, przeglądasz archiwalną wersję strony. Jej zawartość przedstawia stan na 07.03.2023 r.

Aktualna wersja witryny Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu znajduje się pod adresem: www.awf.poznan.pl
rekrutacja kierunek taniec

The course is intended for persons with dancing experience, for candidates with a professional dancer certificate – in particular for graduates of ballet or dance schools. Also for people with a dancing talent who are gaining their experience in dance groups and dance crews.

The studies offer three thousand hours of classes, including contemporary dance, barre au sol, classical dance, modern techniques, contact improvisation, folk dance, body conditioning, street techniques, acrobatics.

Specialisations in second cycle (Masters) studies:
  • dancer-therapist
  • dance instructor

A graduate is prepared to run therapeutic dancing classes in culture centres, care and education centres, day care centres, senior clubs and other places where dancing classes as occupational therapy take place.