The international conference ‘Autumn Open Scientific Seminar of the Department of Sports Dietetics’
The seminar comprised two sessions and five lectures. Among the speakers there were three foreign researchers – dr. Javier Courel Ibáñez, PhD from Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia (Spain), who was visiting Poznan University of Physical Education between 23th and 26th of November 2021; dr. Carlos Rodriguez-Lopez, PhD from Biomedical Research Networking on Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES, Spain) and dr. Julian Alcazar, PhD from Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The Department of Sports Dietetics, Poznan University of Physical Education was represented by Natalia Główka, MSc.
The atrophy of muscle mass and power are the components of frailty syndrome. It is anticipated that the magnitude of this negative health condition will be increasing constantly, as a result of aging society, and additionally will be even enlarged by the numerous consequences of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. At the conference, thanks to the great speakers, the participants were introduced with the newest validated methods and tools designed for accurate evaluation of muscle function and power. They were also convinced how the implementation of short training session consisting of simple physical exercise into daily routine in conjunction with proper dietary supplementation may affect the increase or the maintenance of muscle mass, strength and power.
It is estimated that about 10-20% of convalescents after the SARS-CoV-2 infection suffer from so called ‘post-covid syndrome’ or ‘long covid’ for weeks or even months. One of the symptoms is chronic fatigue of unknown etiology. There are still no effective treatments for dealing with this condition. At his lecture, dr Javier Courel Ibáñez, PhD, innovatively presented the theoretical and methodological bases of the development of the individualized training program relayed on the velocity-based training in the therapy of chronic fatigue in the course of ‘long-covid’. It needs to stressed out, that the presented methodology and the study results on the subject, are now being under the review during the publication process. Thus, the participants of the Conference, had an unquestionable privilege of being familiarized with this knowledge, before it is available for the wide audience.
At the Conference, the knowledge on methodology of the evaluation of muscle power and the basis of velocity-based training, intertwined with the practical recommendations on introduction of these methods into individualized and holistic strategies for the management with current challenges of public health. The interdisciplinary character of the Conference may be confirmed by the multidisciplinary audience, e.g. the members of scientific associations such as Committee on Kinesiology, Polish Academy of Science, Poznan Branch or Polish Society of Nutritional Sciences. However, the most promising seems to be a great and active representation of the Dietetic students during the lectures. We believe, that this type of scientific seminars are the opportunity to gain the interdisciplinary knowledge that is beyond the learning outcomes related to the field of studies and serve as a chance for the face-to-face discussion with outstanding researcher from foreign scientific units. We wish, that the open international scientific seminars which we believe to organize periodically, will be an opportunity for internalization of action, exchange of knowledge, good practices and experiences in fields of scientific and didactic activity, as well as a trigger to undertaking studies and didactic internship within ERASMUS and ERASMUS+ programmes for students and teachers, respectively.